Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beautiful Sayings :

Life is a like a book: What matters is how good it is ,not how long it is.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
Let us love,not in word or speech , but in truth and action.
The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them.
There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Touch the world

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cute love


Saath saath......

Walk with me down this path of life
Hold my hand gently...speak softly to my heart
Together we will gaze at the beauty that lays before us

Time stands still...as the memories float by
Each step we take is a heartbeat closer to reality
Hear our voices sing a melody of love together
First Anniversary Celebration

Friday, July 17, 2009

Life is a Celebration

Once upon a time .......there was a girl
adorable, lovely ,feminine, girly, delicate, sweet, gentle, delicate, softly, sexy, subtle. , smart ,sassy, suave, pretty virgo . She had love for nature , animals and always love for family .

She grew up as a dearest daughter to her parents.
Her strength was her dad
as father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.

Her mother was her best friend and great support . She was her moms little darling .

The little girl grew up to be a young woman ,a beautiful rose in the changing world and environment around .The beauty of the nature and colors amazed her . Life was joyful , playful, artistic with family friends around her.

Life became a celebration when a prince walked into her life .
On 09February 2007 Wedding bells rang ,
two hearts united in love , a celebration of love forever.