Thursday, August 6, 2009

Autumn Leaves.......

Nothing can steal your heart away
When the sun is warm and the shadows are cool,
The lake water stands like a bright blue pool
The balmy air is meadow-sweet,
Leaves are falling from colorful trees,
painting a portrait of beauty
With colors so vivid and bright;
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower
It's framed with a purple misty haze
And draped in a frosty nig
The nuts drop softly upon the ground,
Leaves fall and hide them there;
Squirrels work away industriously,
Their winter store to prepare.
A pale harvest moon sails serenely
Across a star-studded sky,
And smiles on a world full of color.

Nature has moved in, merely to tease...
She comes with her warm days, just to betray...
For winter is only a breath away!

Lifes highs...

. Laughing hysterically
. Dancing your heart out
. Star gazing
. Shopping
. Going to the beach
. Listening to the rain
. Ice-cream on a hot day
. Feeling wanted
. Getting that warm, fuzzy feeling when you think about the one you love
. ComplIments
. Hugs
. Kisses
. Knowing someone misses you
. Knowing someone is thinking of you
. Good dreams
. Lying on the grass starring into the sky
. Going up to the snow
. Jumping into a warm bed on a cold night
. Your first kiss
. Talking for hours about absolutely nothing
. Looking back on the laughs
. Receiving presents
. Giving presents
. Birthdays
. Being full of energy
. Running into an old friend
. Watching the sun come up
. Seeing a shooting star
. Waking up to find the person you love in your arms
. Weekends
. Holidays
. Sitting infront on the fire on a cold evening
. Smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
. Singing into your hairbrush in your room
. Bubble baths
. Turning up your sterio as loud as it will go
. Being so happy it makes you cry
. Summer
. Finally completing somthing you started a long time ago
. Achieving a long time goal
. Warm nights
. Falling in love...