Thursday, August 6, 2009

Autumn Leaves.......

Nothing can steal your heart away
When the sun is warm and the shadows are cool,
The lake water stands like a bright blue pool
The balmy air is meadow-sweet,
Leaves are falling from colorful trees,
painting a portrait of beauty
With colors so vivid and bright;
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower
It's framed with a purple misty haze
And draped in a frosty nig
The nuts drop softly upon the ground,
Leaves fall and hide them there;
Squirrels work away industriously,
Their winter store to prepare.
A pale harvest moon sails serenely
Across a star-studded sky,
And smiles on a world full of color.

Nature has moved in, merely to tease...
She comes with her warm days, just to betray...
For winter is only a breath away!

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